Well.. its been a rough ride from feb '10 till now but then I've BEEN THERE.. DONE THAT....
I was driving back home from work today in the evening and as lazy as I am I put my car in cruise mode on the freeway and was browsing through my mp3 player for an album.. I saw Happy Days and I started playing it.. I generally refrain from playing this as mode --> emotional and surprise surprise I went in to mode == emotional and the Cognizant journey started unwinding in my mind from 7/7/7.
Maybe because my friend just put up our pics from those days on facebook which made me nostalgic or maybe I had just talked to my friend the night before after many months which MADE my day or may be I inadvertently remembered those golden days. Whatever it was it was great.....
Life does not give us a chance to go back in time but it does give us a chance to polish those memories scribed in our hearts... Life also allows us to maintain those relationships if we want to!
Great to have made such friends and may we remain so for the rest of our lives
P.S: The other day I was looking on our parent company's website and saw Cognizant as one of the Systems Integrator-partners and thought I should join back cognizant after some time at this company though logically for a Non Resident Alien like me in the US to work for an offshoring giant would be the worst thing to do. Such is myFlutter... :o